Sitoo POS
Everything about Sitoo POS and sales in physical stores and retail chains.
Guides and manuals
- New UI - Sitoo POS (Sep 2023)
- User Manual for Sitoo POS
- Configure Zebra Label Printer for your POS
- Star MC3Print Bluetooth
- TC21 for Android
- Adyen Retry Function
- Troubleshooting network in store
- Troubleshooting card terminal
- Troubleshoot Adyen card terminal
- Troubleshooting Sitoo POS application
- Troubleshooting Zebra DS2278/CS60
- Troubleshooting Datalogic wired barcode reader QD2430
Questions & answers
- How do I perform a close batch on the card terminal?
- Security Q&A: What you need to know about Sitoo security
- Error message "the cart contains ongoing payments"
- Amount has been deducted but no receipt?
- Amounts have been reserved twice?
- Amounts have been deducted twice?
Installation & Update
- Release Notes - Sitoo POS
- Receipt Printer Epson TM-T88VI
- Install Sitoo POS
- Network requirements
- Download Sitoo POS
- Update Sitoo POS
Payment options
- Carry out multiple payment purchases
- Swish in Sitoo POS
- Manage Historical Gift Cards
- Remove payment method in Sitoo POS
- Klarna Payments in store
- Refund with Klarna in store