This article will cover the main features of Sitoo Cash Register.
If you have questions or need help troubleshooting Sitoo POS, please see our FAQ with frequently asked questions and answers that you may encounter when using your cash register.
Login to the cash register
To get started with the cash register you need to log on to the cash register. All staff should have their own personal PIN that they use to log in to the cash register. Log in by entering the PIN. Please note that the there are two PINs, one for the iPad itself and one for logging in to the cash register. The PIN for the iPad will be provided for you at the time of installation. The PIN for the cash register will be provided by your administrator or store manager.
The initials of the person who is logged in to the cash register is visible in the top right corner of the app. All sales will be registered to the person who is currently logged in to the cash register, and the name of the logged in salesperson will also appear on the receipts. If you want to switch salesperson for the cash register, simply tap the Menu button and then Logout.
Automatic logout
You can set the system to automatically logout users within a timeframe. The different settings are 30 seconds or 1, 3, 5 or 10 minutes. This setting can be applied under POS profiles in your Backoffice.
Open the cash register
Start your day or shift by opening the cash register. Do this by tapping "Open Register". A new prompt will appear, asking you to input the cash sum in your cash drawer. If there is a value already entered when you open the cash register it is based upon the previous day's remaining cash. Enter the sum that is present in the cash drawer and tap Open.
The main menu
The main menu is located in the upper left corner of the app. The currently logged on person's name will be visible here as well as important functions of the cash register. At the bottom of the menu the function Logout is located, this function is used to switch the currently active salesperson. Below you will find more info about the different functions.
Add a product to the cart
To sell a product you can either tap the product in the left section of the app, or scan it using a barcode reader. To scroll between pages you simply swipe your finger in the left section of the app.

Products with variants
The standard variant will always be the visible product in the product list. To pick a different variant of a product, tapping your standard variant will bring up a selection and you can then pick your desired variant.
Stock indicator on products
When you add a product without stock amounts to the cart, this product will be denoted with a red bubble and the amount added. This indicates that this particular product does not have amounts in stock and you should deliver in amounts to it in order to avoid having negative stock amounts. Note the image below where Claire Black is out of stock whereas the product Angie Sock Shoe has stock amounts registered.
If you where to add more than one of a product that has stock amounts you will see a black bubble with the amount within it.
Display products from a category
The products in the example above all belong to the category "All products". If you want to display a certain category's products, simply press the name of the currently active category and a drop down menu will appear, listing the available categories. Pick your category to only display products from that category in the product list. If there are subcategories they will be indicated by an arrow, press it to advance through the subcategories.
Search products
You can search for products by pressing the magnifying glass to the right of the currently active category. This will bring up a search field. Results shown in the list will always be standard variants of products, even if your search result is a different variant.
These are the variables included in a product search:
- Product Name and its variants (title).
- Article number (sku).
- Barcode.
- Manufacturer's barcode (skumanufacturer)).
- Campaign title on the product (offer title, ie a product-level campaign).
- Keyword,if you have added keywords to any of the fields Own 1-5 on the product.
Edit a product in the cart
The cart will display the products that have been added to it in order to sell them to a customer. By tapping a product currently in the cart a dialog window will appear, allowing you to edit the price, apply a discount as well as add a comment to the product.

Display product details
You can find out more about a specific product by either performing a long tap on the product in the product view or by selecting a product, putting it in the cart, then gently swiping to the left on the product and tap the Info button.
The dialogue window that is now presented contains information about the product price, stock balance in your store and other stores and any product description. Here you can also change the size for information about that particular variant, and increase the number of products in the shopping cart. If you use a recommendation engine, you can read about recommendations for increased sales.
Remove product from the cart
Gently swipe left on the product and tap the Delete button or swipe all the way to the left to remove the product from the cart right away. If you want to empty the entire cart you can do so by tapping the trash can icon in the top right section of the cart.
When you have added your products and are ready to receive payment for them, press Pay. In the following view you can choose the desired payment option.
In this section all your currently activated payment options will be shown. If the whole sum will be paid by one method, simply press the desired payment option and then Commit. A receipt will always be printed when a sale is finalized.
Cash payment
If the customer wishes to pay with cash you are presented with commonly used amounts of cash, tap them to quickly input the correct amount. If you want to edit the amount entered, simply tap it and enter the amount manually. Rounding will be applied to cash payments. When payment is completed, press Commit.
If the customer wants to divide the payment into both cash and for example credit card, first pick Cash payment and enter the sum the customer wishes to pay in cash. Then tap Payment and choose Credit card. The remaining sum will automatically be added to the card payment.
Credit card
If the customer wishes to pay with credit card, simply choose the payment option Credit card and the sum of the purchase will be transferred to the card terminal. A dialogue window will be shown, containing the sum and prompting the customer to insert their card. You don't have to press anything else, the card terminal will send a signal back to the cash register when the purchase is completed and a receipt will be printed.
Gift card
If the customer chooses to pay with a gift card you choose the payment option Gift card. A dialogue window will appear and you can either scan the barcode of the gift card or enter the gift card code manually. Then tap OK. The system will automatically determine the amount left on the gift card and deduct the sum of the purchase from the gift card. If the customer wants to use a custom amount from the gift card and pay the remaining sum with another payment option, please see the adjacent section, Handling several payment options.
Credit note (Voucher)
A credit note is created when a refund is performed and is easily printed with your receipt printer. The customer will receive a unique voucher that can be used to purchase other items at a later time. The voucher needs to be used before its expiry date. When the date has passed it will be voided and no longer usable. If a customer wishes to pay using a Voucher, tap the Payment option for vouchers (usually "Vouchers"). You will then be prompted to enter the voucher number. You can either enter the code manually or scan it using the barcode reader or the camera function in the app. The system will detect the total remaining sum on the voucher and deduct the sum of the purchase.
If you have activated Klarna Instore you will be able to handle Klarna payments in your cash register. When you pick Klarna as your payment option you will be prompted to enter the customers phone number. The customer will then receive an SMS with a link to Klarna where the customer can log in to their Klarna account and complete the purchase. Klarna will then send a signal back to the cash register that payment was successful and a receipt will be printed.
More than one payment option
If you want to control the amount charged to a card payment or other payments such as gift cards, etc., you simply tap the circular icon below the total sum. Then enter the desired amount for the first payment and then pick your second payment option and complete the transaction.
Remove a payment option
To remove an already chosen payment option, swipe to the left on the payment option. You can remove it in one full swipe to the left or swipe gently to the left and tapping Delete.
Receipt and digital receipt
A receipt is always printed when payment is completed. You can also offer to send the customer their receipt through e-mail. Add the customers e-mail and tap Send. To handle a new customer, tap the blue button New customer.
To send digital receipts you must first enter a sender e-mail under General Settings in Backoffice.
Tap "Refund" at the bottom of the cart to perform a buyback transaction. Products added to the cart will then switch state to refunded items and the "Pay" button will be replaced by the orange "Refund" button. Tap the Refund button and pick the payment option to refund the customer. Two receipts will be printed, firstly the customers refund receipt and secondly the stores copy of the receipt. Normally the customer shows their ID and sign the stores copy of the receipt. The store then keeps their copy in the cash register.
You can also use the customers original receipt to automatically add products intended for refund to the cart. Enter the payment reference for the receipt or simply scan the barcode on the receipt with your barcode reader. This function will fetch all products and prices exactly as they were on the receipt. You can also add, edit or remove products before finalizing the refund. You can also add a note for each product. You can also add a note for each product. You’re also able to perform a manual refund; add the products intended for the refund in the shopping cart, then tap Refund and then Manual.
Park a purchase
If the customer wants to complete their purchase at a later time or for some reason wants to pay later, you can use the Park purchase function, located under Save in the cart view. All products active in the cart will be saved and reserved in the warehouse. This function can also be used to transfer a purchase to a different cash register.
You can also connect the purchase to a specific customer. Simply add the customer in the cart view and park the purchase. The customer info will then be visible when you want to retrieve your parked purchase.
When the cart is empty the Save button will be replaced by Fetch. Tap Fetch and then Parked Purchase and choose the relevant parked purchase. The number indicated on the right corner and the Fetch button tells you how many parked purchases are available to fetch. The list will by default display every parked purchases from your store. You can tap your store in the drop down list and pick a different store to see receipts that have been parked there.
A parked purchase does not retain any campaigns, notes or price adjustments made to the products. If you wish to retain this information we instead recommend that you perform a Booking.
Search receipts
You can perform a filtered search for receipts by tapping Fetch and then Order/Receipt.
Filter your search on store and day. Then search for content such as receipt number, product, receipt reference, article number, etc.
When you have located the receipt you can then choose to either print out a copy, fetch the order to the cart and share/send it through a different service (such as Mail).
To share or send the order, tap the icon in the top right corner.
Campaigns and discounts
Campaigns can be applied to a purchase in the cash register. The campaign function works the same way as it does for Sitoo Webshop. Campaigns activated in the cash register can be used either for products or a whole cart. If you have codes you use often it is a good idea to print this campaign code as a label with your Dymo printer for easy activation with the barcode reader.
To use a campaign code in the cash register, tap Discounts and then Enter Discount Code. In the following window, enter the code manually or scan it with your barcode reader. You can use several campaign codes in a single purchase, as long as it's not two product specific campaigns.
If you pick Cart Discount SEK or Cart Discount % the campaign will affect the entire cart and discounting every product currently active in the cart. The discount will be divided equally across all products in the cart.
Removing discounts from the cart
A product campaign that does not require a code will automatically be applied to any products it is applied to as soon as the rules for the campaign are met (i.e. buy 3 for 2). Note that the campaign needs to be activated for this to work. Active discounts can be enabled and disabled as you wish. To enable/disable a campaign, simply press the campaign entry in the cart. If a campaign is disabled it will have a strikethrough.
Add customer
You can search for existing customers by using their registered e-mail or their personal code number. To register a new customer, first enter their e-mail address or personal code number. Then fill out the information fields and hit OK when you're finished.
The customer card gathers information about the customer regarding their order history, number of purchases, average amount, total amount, etc.
You can book an item, either in your own store or another store.
- Add item to cart the cart, tap Save > Book.
- Then choose in which store the item is to be booked and approve the booking.
- You will then be notified that your booking has been completed.
- When the booking is completed, the store staff is automatically notified of the upcoming customer in Sitoo POS. The color of the number on the Fetch button will turn red, indicating that there is an order to be handled in the store.
- Tap Fetch and then Booking. If you want to, you can change the active store by pressing on the the currently active store in the top left corner.
- Tap on the booking to see more information. Here you can also print the booking, as well as share it by tapping the share icon in the top right or Add to cart to complete the purchase.
A booking will subtract from the stock balance. If the booking is removed the stock balance will be adjusted accordingly.
Cash withdrawal/deposit
Withdrawals and deposits of cash is performed through the menu option "Cash In/Out" found in the main menu, located in the top left corner. A sub menu with the following options is presented:
Withdrawal - Withdrawals are made if, for example, your staff made a personal expense. Note the amount of cash you withdraw. Any change from this withdrawal should return to the cash drawer through a deposit.
Withdrawal to bank - Withdrawal to bank, or so called "Banking" is made when there is a large amount of cash in the cash drawer. The cash withdrawn in this way can then be sent to the bank or stored in another safe place.
Deposit - Deposits of cash can be performed if, for example, there was change involved with a previous cash withdrawal.
Deposit from Bank - Deposit from bank is used when you want to register your amount of cash that you withdrew from your bank.
The separation of these functions is intended to simplify bookkeeping.
You can manage inventory directly in the cash register. Select Inventory from the main menu and select the function you want from the sub menu presented.
Move - It is easy to move inventory between warehouses. A store can have different types of warehouses to be able to separate a back warehouse from the sellable stock in the store, demo items or reclaim inventory. Read more about moving inventory.
Manual In - Use this function to manually add products to a warehouse. Read more about adding products to a warehouse.
Manual Out - Using manual out, products can be removed from a warehouse. Read more about removing products from a warehouse.
Stocktaking - Stocktaking is used to validate the current stock. Read more about stocktaking.
Inbound Shipments - Handle shipments inbound to the store. To be able to accept an incoming shipment, it needs to be counted and approved. When the shipment is received, the stock levels are updated for the warehouse to which is was received. Read more about inbound shipments.
Ship to Store - This function makes it easy to send shipments to other stores. When the shipment is created, the stock levels are decreased in the store warehouse. When ordering a transport of the shipment, the tracking info from the shipping company can be added. This allows for the receiving store to be able to track the shipment. Read more about shipping to other store.
Close register
Finish your day or shift by closing the cash register. The name of the currently logged on person will be noted on the z-report. Follow the instructions below.
1. Tap the main menu and choose "Close register". This will prompt a new dialogue window.
The system keeps track of the contents of the cash drawer during the day. This sum will be visible in the "Expected cash" field. Cash payment and any withdrawals/deposits will affect the expected sum.
2a. Open the cash drawer and count the contents. If the counted sum in the drawer matches the expected sum the "Difference" field will be presented as 0,00kr in black text.
2b. If the counted sum does not match the expected sum the Difference will be presented in red text.
Please note that you will still be able to close the cash register in the event of a negative difference. It is up to you and your store to establish a policy regarding Difference. The main function of this summation is to serve as basis for bookkeeping.
3. Withdrawals when closing the register is completely voluntary. Enter the amount you wish to extract from the cash drawer. This sum will then be presented to the person who opens the cash register the following day. It is possible for that person to adjust this sum if needed.
4. Enter a comment, for example to explain a difference or a withdrawal, etc.
5. Tap "Close Register" when you're done.
Example of closing the cash register
- The Expected Cash field is 8 828 kr.
- The Counted Cash field is 8 828 kr.
- 6 828 kr is entered in the Withdrawal to Bank field and removed physically from the cash drawer. The difference (2000kr) will be noted in the Remaining Cash field and is the sum that will be left in the drawer to the next day.
When you close the register the system will create a Z-report according to Skatteverkets regulations. The Z-report contains a summation of the sales performed that day. The Z-report will be stored with a serial number. When the Z-report is created all sales data will be reset in order to register fresh sales data the next day.
There are two compilations you can use to check registrations in the cash register; X-report and Journal. The X-report is a snapshot of the sales that can be generated without resetting sales data (as is the case with generating a Z-report). The Journal registers all usage of the cash register in a log and is used to track all the different states of the cash register in detail.
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