If your card terminal does not perform a close batch automatically when you close your register you can do a manual close batch. Follow the steps below.
- Login to Sitoo POS > Menu > Settings > Hardware devices.
- As you end up in the view of Hardware Devices tap the Card Terminal
- Tap the first blue option "Close Batch".
- If these steps do not work, try restarting your terminal by removing the power chord and inserting it again. Then repeat steps 1 - 3.
- However, if you do not receive a new printout with the close batch, this has probably been lost.
- In this case you can refer to the Z-report produced by the POS. On this you will find the same card information.
If you receive an error message saying no report is available, the card terminal have probably been closed properly the day before but without a physical printout. Please see steps 5 - 6 above.