If you encounter problems or error messages in Sitoo POS, you can try to perform the following actions to resolve the problem.
- Restart the app Sitoo POS
- Check the journal queue
- Update the app Sitoo POS
Restart Sitoo POS
- Find the iPads home button. It's a circular button located on the short side of the iPad.
- Double click the home button in quick succession.
- You will be presented with a grid of all currently running applications on your iPad
- Locate the Sitoo POS app.
- Swipe the app upwards. To do this, place your finger on the app and swipe it upwards. If done correctly, the app will disappear from the grid.
- Click once on the home button
- This will bring you back to the iPads desktop.
- Locate the Sitoo POS app on your iPad.
- Tap it to re-open it and continue your work.
Check the journal queue
- In Sitoo POS > Menu > Settings > About >. Scroll down to 'Journal queue'.
- If the journal queue is 0, it means that Sitoo POS is online, as it should be. If the number in the journal queue is anything else then 0, ie 1 or higher, it means that Sitoo POS is or has been offline. When this happens, the transaction will be stored offline in the POS. If too many transactions are stored, problems may arise.
- If the journal queue is anything else then 0, you should troubleshoot the network. When the network and internet connection is restored the journal queue should be back to 0.
- You could also take a look at the row 'Latest update of journal queue' above the Journal queue; this will indicate when the journal queue was updated. It should have been today and just a few minutes ago.
- If you have followed the network troubleshooting guide and you find that your iPad now is reconnected to your network, but still have a number higher than 0 in the journal queue, please try to close your checkout, producing a z-report.
Update Sitoo POS
- To update your app, open App Store.
- Tap Updates in the bottom right corner.
- In the Updates view, find the Sitoo POS app and tap Update. If there is no app here, you are using the latest version.
Sitoo POS is black
If your iPad or the Sitoo POS application is completely black, you can restart the app by following these steps.
- Restart the app with the steps above.
- Occasionally, the app may become black because you have accessed the camera feature inside the app. Read more about this and how to fix the problem.