First of all, make sure that you have access to Sitoo POS, Sitoo BackOffice and Adyen Customer Area.
A) In Adyen Customer Area
Go to "Point of sale" > "Terminal Settings".
- Make sure that "Enable terminal API" i "Enabled".
- Scroll a bit further down until you come to “Encryption Key”. Click “Decrypted”.
-- Key Identifier could be for instance: default
-- Passphrase could be your merchant account.
-- Key version must always be 1.
(Note! You can also do the same settings on the specific terminal in Adyen Customer Area. We recommend using the settings on account level.)
B) In Sitoo BackOffice
Once you have values in "Encryption Key" in Adyen Customer Area, go to Sitoo Backoffice and click Settings > Adyen Terminal API and enter the same values here. If it’s a test account on Adyen, please add "test:" prior to the Encryption key in Sitoo Backoffice.
Finally, make sure that you have a payment option with Adyen API. Go to Settings > POS - Payment options and either click + to add a new payment option or the pen & paper icon to edit an existing payment option. Make sure the Payment Method is "Card (Adyen Terminal API)" and click save.
C) Board the terminal
Alt 1 - Use separate device for Sitoo POS respectively payment terminal
First step is to board the terminal with a one time password from the Adyen Backoffice. Go to Point of Sale > Terminals and locate your terminal (check for the serial number). On the section “About this terminal” you will find a One Time Password that is continually updating every 30 seconds. Tap Board Terminal on your device and enter the code presented here.
Alt 2 - Use Sitoo POS directly on the payment terminal (only applicable on Adyen Android Devices)
Go to "Adyen Customer Area" > "Point of sale" > "Android".
- Click on "Upload app" and follow the instructions to add the latest APK with Sitoo POS. If you don't have it, please send an email to
- Click on "Sitoo POS" in the list of apps.
- Click "Install" and follow the instructions.
- Wait for the app to be installed on your terminal. (Make sure the terminal is connected to Internet.)
D) In Sitoo POS
- Click "Menu" > "Settings" > "Hardware Devices" and then the + sign to add a new hardware. Select "Adyen API".
IP-address: Enter the ip-address for the terminal. Make sure it is connected to the same network as your POS device. If you are running Sitoo POS on the terminal use as ip-address.
Payment Type: Select the payment type that you already have created in Sitoo BackOffice.
Model: You can find this on the terminal or in the list of terminals in Adyen Customer Area (Device model).
Serial: You can find this on the terminal or in the list of terminals in Adyen Customer Area (Serial number).
Serial Number - Example
For Castles devices it looks like this: 000123456789012
For Verifone devices it looks like this: 123-123-123