Under Navigation in Sitoo Backoffice is where you build the structure you wish to use in your cash register. The navigation is based on a tree structure where each branch in the tree represents a menu option.
By creating a navigation tree you can then connect products to the different pages. You can then easily navigate to a certain category in your cash register to view products that are connected to that category.
Create categories in your navigation
- Log in to Backoffice > Navigation.
- Click the add icon in the upper left corner
- Check the category/menu option as visible.
- Give your category/menu option a name.
- You can ignore the fields Friendly name, HTML title, Keywords and Description.
- Leave Custom 1 and Custom 2 empty.
- Set the layout to either Produkt or Kategori.
- In the Placement section you can choose a parent page if you wish. The page you are adding will then be placed below its parent page in the hierarchy. For example if you create a "Dresses" page you can assign it to be placed below "Clothes".
Edit and rearrange categories in your navigation
When you have created a number of categories these will be placed in the navigation tree under the tab Navigation in Backoffice. You can edit, rearrange and delete these pages however you wish.
To edit a page, click the icon with the pen & paper on the left side of the page.
To remove a category/menu option, click the pen & paper icon and then Delete at the bottom left.
To move a category to another main category, or change the order up or down, you can simply use the arrows to the right of the category name. See image below. The horizontal arrows adjust the level of the page while the vertical arrows adjust the page's position within the current level.
You can also adjust the placement of your category pages by editing a page and scroll down to the Placement-section and choose the parent page for the category you are currently editing.
If you move a page that has subpages these will also be moved with the parent page.