With the import functionality you can import sales price (moneyprice), purchase price (moneypricein), recommended price (moneypriceorg) and campaign price (moneyofferprice). When importing this price information, you also need to specify whether the price you are importing is inclusive or exclusive of VAT (priceisinclvat).
If all price columns are inclusive of VAT or all are excluding VAT, you can import all price columns into an import. If you want to import different types of price information where some are including VAT and some are excluding VAT you need to divide the import into two imports. This is because there is only one column that indicates whether all prices in your import file are inclusive or exclusive of VAT.
Often the sales price is inclusive of VAT and the purchase price excluding VAT. Therefore, we recommend that you import the price information in two steps; one with prices including VAT and one with prices excluding VAT.
If you specify the purchase price/production price including VAT, the VAT will be based on the product group to which the products belong and thus their VAT class. Note that the purchase price or the production price is often stated excluding VAT.
Create an import file
- Either use our import template found at the end of this article. Then you'll start of with an empty excel that you can fill with information.
- Alternatively, you can use the existing product list in Sitoo. Then follow the steps below.
- Log in to Backoffice > Products. Export the products you want to edit; select all or only selected products.
- Overview of the excel file: Each row represents a product variant, and each of the columns in the excel file corresponds to a separate property or information field.
Edit the import file
- If the excel file contains products and variants that you do not want to edit, remove them from the file; right-click in the far left of the product line to highlight the entire line, select Delete.
- Keep the columns title, sku, moneyprice, priceisinclvat. Mark the other columns you want to delete, right-click and select Delete.
- Column sku stands for article number. The products article number is unique for the product, and also used to identifie the product in the system.
- Column title stands for product name. This column is important to keep in order to more easily know which products you're work with in the excel file.
- The column moneyprice stands for the sale price, that is, the price that is visible to the customer.
- Column priceisinclvat indicates whether the sum you enter in moneyprice is inclusive or exclusive of VAT. True means that the price quoted is including VAT and false means that the price is excluding VAT.
Sales price including VAT
- Enter the amount of the sale price under the column moneyprice.
- Enter true under the column priceisinclvat, on the same line as you just entered the sale price.
This indication means that the price you provided is inclusive of VAT.
All columns must be in lower case. True and false should also be entered in lowercase.
Sales price excluding VAT
- Enter the amount of the sale price under the column moneyprice.
- Enter false under the column priceisinclvat, on the same line as you just entered the sale price.
This indication means that the price you provided is exclusive of VAT.
Purchase price excluding VAT
The purchase price is the basis for your inventory value and is therefore necessary to import. It can also reflect manufacturing costs if you manufacture the products on your own.
- Create an excel file that contains columns sku, title, moneypricein, priceisinclvat.
- Enter the amount of the purchase sale price under the column moneypricein.
- Enter false under the column priceisinclvat, on the same line as you just entered the purchase price.
This indication means that the price you provided is exclusive of VAT.
Purchase price including VAT
Om du hanterar ditt inköpspris inklusive moms följer du dessa steg.
- Create an excel file that contains columns columns, title, moneypricein, priceisinclvat
- Enter the amount of the purchase sale price under the column moneypricein.
- Enter true under the column priceisinclvat, on the same line as you just entered the purchase price.
This indication means that the price you provided is inclusive of VAT.
Import recommended price and promotional priceI
Follow the same steps as above but work with other column names. See the image below for examples, and take a look at this article to import campaign prices.
Import the product file
Read this article to import your product file and implement the sale price setting.
Import template
Click on the link below to download our import template. Please use this document to import price information into Sitoo. Note that tab 1 contains columns for sales price, and tab 2 contains columns for purchase price.
The column names in the import template must not be formatted. They should keep the names that are in the template and always spelled in lowercase. Also, make sure the file does not get any other formatting.