Cart campaigns, product campaigns and discount codes only affects products whose prices have not been altered in the cash register. If you enter a price for a product when you add it to the cart or if you edit a product in the cart with a new price this will prevent campaigns from applying to these products. The reason for this is that the campaign function applies discounts based on the registered price of the product in Sitoo Backoffice.
Two scenarios where campaigns won't be applied:
- If you have a product with no inherent price. For example a bulk prouduct whose price depends on its weight, or a general product category that you enter a price for each time it's sold. When you place a product without a price in the cart you are presented with a window where you enter the price for the product.
- If you have a product with a price on it but you edit the price in the cart by tapping it and changing the price manually. See image below.
In the above example the original price is 660 kr. If you on the field for price edit it to 600 kr you won't be able to apply campaigns to it.