SIE is a Swedish standard for moving accounting data between different systems. The SIE4 file format is specially designed to create verifications in a system such as Sitoo, and then import them into accounting programs.
You need to activate the subscription add on called SIE4. Please get in touch with our sales department on +46 8-5000 93 00.
The elements of the SIE4 file
The SIE4 file contains information mainly about:
- Company Name
- Account plan
- Cost Centers
- Verifications
Be sure to enter the name of the company as it is registered in the bookkeeping program. You accounting program will surely give you a warning if the company name does not match.
Account plan
The accounts entered in Sitoo will be sent in the SIE4 file.
Cost centers
The links that have been set up between cost centers and warehouse will be sent in the SIE4 file.
Sitoo creates SIE4 files by grouping accounting transactions per day. Thus, there will be one file per day that contains all verifications from all the cash registers for that day. This makes it easy to manage many cash registers and stores at once.
When the configuration is complete, you will find the daily flow of Z-day reports under the tab Accounting. The most common thing is to initially send the bookkeeping transactions manually to verify that everything is set up correctly.
When all links seem to be correct, you can enable sending bookkeeping transactions automatically. To do this, go to Settings and then SIE4. You can set the SIE4 file to be sent at a specified time every day to a selected e-mail address.
Set up the account plan for automatic bookkeeping
To easily set up the linked between your accounts there's a simplified account plan in Sitoo Backoffice. When you submit your account plan, it should be consistent with the accounting plan used in you bookkeeping system. Only the accounts used in the links that needs to be created in Sitoo.
- Log in to Backoffice > Settings > Bookkeeping account plan.
- Add an account by tapping the add icon in the upper left corner
- You are also able to add account by the import function. The import file should contain the columns accountnumber och accountdescription.
Once you have added the accounts to be used in the link, you need to set up how the different links are supposed to work in the next step.
Configure the links between the accounts
The linkes are used to link product groups, payment methods, gift cards, etc. with an account in the account plan.
Links to sales transactions
Sales of different product groups are linked to different accounts.
- Add a product group in Sitoo Backoffice > Settings > Product Group & Sales tax.
- Link the product groups to different sales accounts. The same account should be used for returns.
- To add a link tap the add icon in the upper left corner
- Link all your product groups to a sales account or add a standard product group link (<Standard>).
Note!If you do not have a standard product group, all your product groups presented in the Z-day report must be linked individually. See step 1-2 above.
Links to payment methods
For each payment method there must be a link to an account to enable a bookkeeping transaction.
- Add a payment method in Sitoo Backoffice > Settings > POS Payment methods.
- Link the payment methods to different accounts.
- To add a link tap the add icon in the upper left corner
There is no standard choice, as it is regarding the sales trasations, because they have to be registered on different accounts.
Links to cash withdrawls
There are three types of cash withdrawls:
- Withdrawl
- Banking
- Banking when closing
Links for cash difference
- At closing the cash should be counted and matched with the expected amount in the POS.
- If withdrawals have been made that have not been registered, this should be done before closing the POS.
- Count again if a difference occurs.
- If there's still a difference in cash, these will be added to the liked account for this purpose.
Cost center for warehouse
At the end of the day, when the POS is counted and closed, the bookkeepping transaction can have a cost center based on which warehouse the POS is connected to. The cost center may refer to a particular store and then filtered reports can be obtained in you bookkeeping system. These should be set in the same way as in the bookkeeping system. Keep in mind that some accounting programs only one digit.
Verification series for Z-day reports
Verifications created in the accounting program should be numbered, but different types of verifications can be linked to different series. Often the series is named by a single letter. Please match this with the accounting program.
Complete the settings
Complete the settings for automatic bookkeeping in the final step. Choose your prefered method of sending the file.